Warm notes of cocoa, cedar, leather, and a lively touch of spice combine to create a medium to full-bodied smoking indulgence. Its Nicaraguan wrapper and binder shroud premium filler leaves from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. The cigars are expertly handmade at the famous El Titan de Bronze cigar factory in Miami, Florida. To ensure its superb construction only Certified Level 9 Rollers were allowed to roll this exquisite cigar. The Cohiba Serie M Reserva Roja is an excellent companion to a bourbon, cognac, or single malt scotch. This is a limited edition cigar only 2,500 boxes of 10 cigars per box were made. Order yours today.
BrandsCohiba Serie M
Cigar ShapeToro
Cigar SectionRound
Cigar Length6"1/2
Cigar Ring Gauge54
Wrapper ColorMaduro
Single PackagingNone
Rolling TypeHandmade
Cigar ManufacturerEl Titan de Bronze
Cigar WrapperNicaraguan Corojo
Cigar BinderNicaraguan Corojo
Cigar FillerDominican RepublicNicaragua