Montecristo Connoisseur Edition Chicago Toro Cigars are innovative cigars crafted to capture the essence of the colorful city of Las Vegas. This series is an interesting take on the smoke preference in the popular cities of America. To match the taste of the smoke enthusiasts in each of the city Montecristo has crafted exclusive blends for them. This particular cigar packs in them a rich mix of Dominican fillers and Nicaraguan binder. They are enfolded in a dark brown San Andres Criollo wrapper. They exude medium body strength with flavorful complex smoke. They burn beautifully displaying their top-notch construction. These Montecristo Connoisseur Edition La Vegas Toro Cigars have the shape of a Toro in the size of 6 x 54. They are available in the box of 10. To buy these culturally steeped cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.