The Banker Daytrader is the new cigar from H. Upmann that is inspired by the modern world of banking. The blend was created by Grupo de Maestros of Tabacalera de García in the Dominican Republic and consists of a Nicaraguan binder, a mix of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, and an Ecuadorian wrapper to top it off. One of H. Upmann’s co-founders, Hermann Upmann, was a banker and merchant, so the company has had a long history in the banking world. “This introduction is part of our plan to expand The Banker line with small productions of specialty cigars from the renowned Grupo De Maestros,” said Jennifer True, senior marketing director of Altadis U.S.A. “While the world of finance may have changed over time, there’s something that has always remained consistent for H. Upmann, and that is the certainty that being true to innovation means being true to the brand’s DNA,” True said.
CIGAR ORIGINDominican Republic
WRAPPEREcuadorian Sumatra-Seed
FILLERDominican RepublicNicaragua