Kristoff Vengeance – a classic reinvented! This new version of the Kristoff Vengeance features a Connecticut broadleaf wrapper with an Indonesian binder and uses fillers from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. The Kristoff Vengeance Robusto is a medium-strength cigar with hints of espresso, sweet mocha, graham cracker, and spice, and a creamy cocoa note.
BrandsKristoff Vengeance
Cigar ShapeRobusto
Cigar SectionRound
Cigar Length5"
OriginDominican Republic
Cigar Ring Gauge50
Wrapper ColorNatural
Single PackagingCellophane
Rolling TypeHandmade
Cigar ManufacturerKristoff/Exclusive Cigars
Cigar WrapperUSA Connecticut Broadleaf
Cigar BinderIndonesia
Cigar FillerDominican RepublicNicaragua