The La Gianna Maduro Robusto is a medium strength cigar that was created to celebrate the birth of the cigar maker David Garofalo’s, daughter. Garofalo is the founder of United Cigar Group a distributer of premium cigar brands. The cigar’s mouthwatering oily, dark maduro wrapper cloaks a binder and filler made of Honduran leaves. This savory blend has a rich earthy flavor with warm notes of coffee and nuts. The La Gianna Maduro is hand crafted in Nicaragua at the Tabacalera Perdomo factory.
BrandsLa Gianna Maduro
Cigar ShapeRobusto
Cigar SectionRound
Cigar Length5"
Cigar Ring Gauge50
Wrapper ColorMaduro
Single PackagingCellophane
Rolling TypeHandmade
Cigar ManufacturerTabacalera Perdomo
Cigar WrapperMaduro
Cigar BinderHonduras
Cigar FillerHonduras