A bold smoke with a spicy and peppery profile. Its Connecticut Sun-grown Habano wrapper covers a Brazilian binder and a Nicaraguan and Honduran filler. Handmade in Nicaragua, the Liga Privada Unico Dirty Rat was the first cigar released under the Unicos Serie line. The line consists of cigars made for a specific size that optimizes the blend’s flavor and strength. It received an 88 rating from Cigar Insider.
BrandsLiga Privada Unicos
Cigar ShapeCorona Extra
Cigar SectionRound
Cigar Length5"
Cigar Ring Gauge44
Wrapper ColorMaduro
Single PackagingNone
Rolling TypeHandmade
Cigar ManufacturerDrew Estate
Cigar WrapperUSA Connecticut Broadleaf
Cigar BinderBrazil
Cigar FillerDominican RepublicHonduras