This medium bodied smoke offers notes of dark tobacco, spicy and cedar. It is a Nicaraguan puro with a reddish Colorado maduro wrapper. Handmade in Nicaragua. The Oliva Serie O takes a traditional Cuban approach in that it uses the same Habano seeds but grown in different regions of Nicaragua (Esteli, Condega, and Jalapa Valley), which gives the cigar its distinct flavor and aroma. The Oliva Serie O Torpedo received a 91 rating from Cigar Aficionado.
BrandsOliva Serie O
Cigar ShapeTorpedo
Cigar SectionRound
Cigar Length6"1/2
Cigar Ring Gauge52
Wrapper ColorColorado Maduro
Single PackagingCellophane
Rolling TypeHandmade
Cigar ManufacturerOliva Cigar Co.
Cigar WrapperNicaraguan
Cigar BinderNicaragua
Cigar FillerNicaragua